

Saturday, July 21, 2007

Looking Good in Your ebay Listing

eBay comes up with options to fill the needs (or wants) of users. Some sellers enjoy putting colorful graphics around their descriptions. Listing Designer will include pretty graphics and help you design your description, placing pictures in different places on the page. But if you have a good description (creatively done with HTML color and emphasis) plus a good picture (inserted creatively with HTML code, no less), your item will draw bids just the same as if you spent $.10 extra (per listing) for the Listing Designer option.

If you want your descriptions surrounded by graphics, make sure they aren't too intensive. Otherwise, the pages will load too slowly for dial-up users. Also, you can develop your own template or buy one from savvy eBay graphics gurus who sell their services on the site.

You can use a graphics template to brand your listings on eBay, giving them a uniform look. If you want to use a template, decide on one and make it your trademark.

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